Tofu is such a staple for vegan and plant-based diets. It’s a versatile protein that can take on a range of flavors and textures – as long as you know how to press tofu. Tofu is made by putting soy milk through a process, then condensing it into the blocks, so naturally, it’s full of water. So if you’ve ever prepared tofu at home and thought “tofu tastes like nothing”, it’s because you’re right, it tastes like water unless you properly drain it. Pro tip from a long time vegan – pressing tofu before marinating and preparing it makes all the difference in the world.
Most people think the only way to drain tofu is with a special gadget like a tofu press or with kitchen towels. I’m going to show you the best way to press tofu without any special gadgets, that’ll save you time, money, and a mess. You can use this method for medium, extra firm tofu, and firm tofu. Just make sure you don’t use this for silken tofu because it’s too soft and will fall apart. If you’ve checked out my Trader Joe’s Guide, you’ll know that the Organic Sprouted Tofu they have is one of my favorites!
Tools You’ll Need for Pressing Tofu

- A Package of tofu – I’m using Extra Firm Tofu from House Foods
- A knife
- Two small plates
- A stack of books or a heavy pot for stacking
How to Press Tofu Without a Tofu Press
- First, take your tofu package and while it’s still closed, wash it with dish soap on the outside. The outside of the plastic package will be touching the tofu, so you want to make sure it’s clean.
- Cut the top plastic wrap around the block of tofu and discard the wrap. Do not throw out the plastic container the tofu comes in.
- Take the tofu out of the package and put it on one of the plates.

4. Flip the tofu container around, and with a sharp knife, carefully poke several holes in the back. Make sure you’re poking enough holes and they’re not too small in order to properly drain the water out of the block.
5. Place the container, open side down on a plate. Then place the tofu on top of the plastic container.
6. Place the other plate on top of the tofu, and carefully place a stack of books or a heavy pot on top of the plate. Make sure that the weight is evenly distributed on the tofu so it doesn’t get lopsided.

7. Now, it’s time to wait. How long to press tofu you ask? I always like at least 30 minutes, but if I’m in a rush, 15 minutes is okay too. The longer you can leave it, the better you can drain the water out. An additional step I like to take with this method is to flip the tofu halfway through. This is optional, but I find that it helps drain even more water out.

There are so many great ways to press tofu to prepare for cooking. I’ve tried so many different methods of draining tofu from professional tofu presses to using the popular kitchen towel method. This method I outlined is by far the best way to drain tofu without any gadgets. If this method still feels like too much work, take a look at the alternatives below for other recommended options.
Buy a Tofu Press
Over the years I’ve personally tested several tofu presses. Some are okay, some are not great, and some are wonderful! My favorite tofu presses I’ve used are the EZ Tofu Press or the Yarkor Bamboo Tofu Press. I would recommend either one of these options if you’re looking to simplify the process and you eat a lot of tofu like me.
Can you freeze tofu to prepare for pressing?
Absolutely! The freezing method is one I use frequently if I bought a few extra packages for the week. I wouldn’t recommend this method if you’re in a rush or want to use the tofu within a couple of days because it takes longer, but it’s still a great option. To freeze your tofu, just put the entire package inside the freezer for at least two days. Then thaw your tofu package in the refrigerator for two days. You can repeat this process twice for even better results. After your tofu is completely thawed, you can cut the package open and squeeze the tofu like a sponge in the sink. I would only recommend this method for extra firm tofu because softer tofu option like firm, medium, and silken tofu are slightly more delicate to work with.
So many people turn away from tofu because it either feels like too much work to press and drain tofu, and also by not pressing tofu properly, it ends up being flavorless. By using this simple method at home, you’ll be able to level up your tofu game to prepare for any of your favorite plant-based dishes.